A friend posted his five remarkable days and challenged his readers to share theirs. As he is a reader of my blog, I am going to take him up on his challenge for today's post. Like him, they may not be chronological, nor can I place any one of them above another.
1. February 14, 1978, before our family and friends, my husband and I married. This was a small simple ceremony planned in a matter of short weeks. He had proposed on New Year's Eve right after a ski trip where I had injured my shoulder and continued to ski for 4 more days, declaring that I was "a keeper."
2. May 27, 1980, birth of our first son one day before his due date. He was a beautiful, long, slim baby born quickly and he has grown into a handsome, intelligent man, the father of our first grandchild.
3. November 29, 1982, birth of our daughter, a week past her due date. This was my easiest birth in spite of her 9+ pound size. I actually was encouraged to and allowed to "catch" her and bring her to my chest. What a memory to hold. She is a beautiful woman, a wonderful mother of two of our grandchildren.
4. February 20, 1987, birth of our second son, way past his due date. He weighted in at over 11+ and his birth was very memorable in his difficulty and complications that almost cost me my life, thrice, during delivery, a week after his birth and two weeks post birth. I healed, and he grew a delightful young man, the father of two more of our grandchildren.
5. December 25, 2007, we were awakened in the wee hours to find our daughter with her 11 month old son, had driven from Florida to join her younger brother who was in cohoots with her to surprise us for Christmas. Our eldest son and his family were living with us at the time and we had our whole family together for a delightful few days.
It was difficult selecting only 5 days as I had 37 years as an educator, many years as a scouting volunteer, both generating memories that I cherish.