Sunday, January 13, 2013


     Where has it gone?  The past two days have been 70, shirtsleeve weather and we have reveled in it.  The pups found the creek again yesterday and as the day was so warm, they didn't want to leave it, Shadow sitting in the cold rushing water.
     Once removed, rinsed and dried, they have been treated to two walks on the Huckleberry Trail in Blacksburg, meeting other pups, their owners, and kids, all out enjoying this midwinter tease.
     A tease it is too, with clouds, rain, and seasonal temperatures expected for the next several days and then seasonal temperatures for the remainder of the week.  As we are coming up on a short local ski trip with the ski club, we are hoping for colder weather to allow for snowmaking and to improve the quality of the snow.
     It is looking like we may again have a winter with no real snowfall here, we were hoping to introduce the pups to the fluffy white stuff.  Perhaps it will happen, maybe not this year.

sun clipart

1 comment:

  1. This winter has definitely been different here too Fran. I ran the air conditioner yesterday it was so stuffy and warm! I have NEVER done that in all my years in Alabama. Makes me wonder what our tornado season will bring this year. We have had some rough ones the past few years. But I am just going to be thankful for each day that comes.
