Yesterday was glorius. The sun was shining, the week's wind died to a whisper, it made it into the low 40's with much higher expectations today and tomorrow. The pups haven't been on a leash walk in weeks, so off to the Huckleberry Trail we went. The trail is an old rail grade that runs from the library in Blacksburg to behind the mall in Christiansburg, about 7 miles. More of the trail, an offshoot is under construction in Blacksburg. The trail is about 6 feet wide, paved with asphalt, sometimes running behind houses, sometimes through farm fields, often shaded by mature trees. The trees are showing buds that we aren't seeing on the mountain yet. Right near the parking lot at the Blacksburg end, a resident whose house backs up to the trail, plants a small well maintained flower garden, poppies in the spring, daffodils, lilies, a flowering crabapple and these...
the first spring flowers I've seen.
Today was farmer's market day and in the beautiful weather, we took the pups, purchased our week's meat, cheese and eggs then walked around town with the dogs. After lunch and a peek at prebuilt chicken coops, we took a 2 1/2 mile walk around Pandapas Pond and Poverity Creek trail.
One more day of stellar weather then it gets wet and seasonal again, but spring is coming.
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