Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Mountain Madness

     March is certainly going out like a lion. Last Sunday it snowed, Monday through  Wednesday it remained cold and flurried, last night it started raining and though it is supposed to be warmer today, it is going to rain all day with thunder storms this afternoon.
     It is time to get the pen prepared for the chicks, they are outgrowing the brooder and they aren't pleasant to smell in the house.  The brooder is in the basement rec room and it will take me a week to clean up the dust they have kicked up and at least a week to air out their smell once they are outdoors.  We upgraded to much larger feeder and waterer and they empty the water, a gallon size at least once a day.
     It is also time to get peas and early spring greens planted in the garden, but it needs to dry out a bit to work the soil.  The tomatoes and peppers must be started indoors now and the electric fence around the garden and orchard needs to be strung to keep the deer and dogs out.  None of the outdoor work can be done in the snow and rain and my shoulder that was injured more than 35 years ago was aggravated by last week's digging and this week's sleeping on a pad on the floor in Northern Virginia while babysitting our oldest grandson, so outdoor work is unappealling right now anyway.
     The little guy spent his entire spring break sick with a cold and just feeling puny.  We made one short trip in to the Natural History Museum at his  request, but his energy level was so low that we only lasted a couple of hours.  Most of our time was spent snuggling and reading or playing his beanbag toss game when he was perkier.
     We are seeing signs of spring, daffodils blooming in yards on the mountain, tree buds swelling, the forsythia looking like it might bloom soon.  Perhaps April will chase the tails of winter away and we can get on with being outdoors some.
The only photo he allowed to be taken while I was there.

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