Saturday, April 6, 2013

Girls day out

     Today is 60 f, clear and beautiful.  Tomorrow is supposed to be better, but I am leaving at noon for a week, leaving hubby to care for the puppies and the girls.
     Now I know, they aren't girls, but at this point, I'm not sure about gender and the only ones we will keep will be girls.  They are 4 weeks old.  The meat birds look like dinosaurs next to the other chicks.  The red rock crosses are larger, but only marginally.  The Rhode Island Reds, Wyandottes, and the 2 mystery birds (maybe Columbian crosses) are feathering out, but so much smaller.
It seemed like a good day to introduce them to the outdoors for a while, not permanently, so I build a temporary net pen, loaded them into a doggie crate and moved them out for a romp in the grass.  I wish they had more space to play, they were funny, pecking at clover, looking for bugs, and chasing each other around, except for the two monsters, who just lay there in the grass like lumps.

     I'm off for a Mommy-cation, not for me, but for my daughter.  She is feeling the effects of being a mommy of 2 young children, full time student, homemaker, and running a small business, so I'm going to help out for a week to see if I can relieve some of her stress and let her focus on less.  It will give me some grandkids time, some daughter time, and a change of venue for me for a few days.

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