So yesterday was surgery day for Shadow, the shepherd pup. She went in yesterday morning to be spayed and they found an umbilical hernia in need of repair, so we okayed that as well. We picked her up around 3:30, still slightly wobbly from the anesthesia with instructions to keep her fairly still for a week. No rough play, no stairs, no jumping off of objects.
As I've commented before, she is like a ferret on crack, a whirling dervish of motion, so we know this is going to be a challenge. We already know, that if she is kennelled and Ranger approaches, she whines and yelps at him and he barks at her. When we got her home, I moved her wire kennel to the greatroom area so she didn't have to climb to the second floor and she willing kennelled up for the remainder of the afternoon. After our dinner, hubby took Ranger to the doggie park for some exercise and to allow her some out time. She ate her dinner and laid on the living room rug with a bone for the time they were gone, reentered her kennel without fuss and basically was calm and fairly quiet throughout the night.
Bright and early this morning, she was rattling the cage, wanting out. Obligingly, I got up, took her outdoors to do her business and brought her back in to feed her. She was frantically charging around outdoors and once back in the house, zip, straight up the stairs to check on hubby and Ranger, then zip back down the stairs to make sure I was still here. She sure doesn't act like she hurts.
She is currently back in the kennel, whining because Ranger is free, clawing at the wire to escape. This indeed is going to be a long week!
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