Thursday, May 16, 2013

Summer on the move

     As summer approaches, the schedule is starting to look hectic in a great family sort of way.  This weekend, our oldest son is coming to visit and work with us for a week on projects and house maintenance and to begin the harvest of all the meat birds that have reached a size to do so.  He will arrive by bus, but I will return him home in a week by car, so that we can take a cooler full of frozen chickens from our flock and beef and pork from the farmer's market.  While he is here, in addition to the chicken harvest, we hope to get a chicken tractor build, the front dormers re-stained, a bathroom door built and hung and move a bifold door from our bathroom to a closet in the basement.  If time permits, we will at least measure and evaluate the possibility of putting a double fence around the garden and orchard to put the chickens in the moat between the fences to keep the weeds and insect population down.
     After that trip, I will be home for a month or so, then go to NoVa, leaving hubby and the pups here to take care of the hens and any roosters who were too small to harvest next week.  I will provide childcare for a few days and then bring grandson and son home with me for a half week visit and to harvest the rest of the meat birds.
     Toward the end of July, I will return to NoVa to loan my car to them for a month so that they can make a visit to Virginia Beach to the other grand parents and to our vacation spot to celebrate my Dad's 90th birthday and our daughter's kid's baptisms at the site of our daughter and son in law's wedding 3 years ago.  From that trip, I will return home by bus and make us a one car couple for the month.  Daughter and family will arrive a couple of days later and stay with us until we all leave for the celebrations.
     In late August, I will return to NoVa on the bus to do my annual childcare with our grandson since son and daughter by love return to school a week before he does.  By then the chickies should be reduced to the 7 hens and they should be laying eggs, so hubby will have a bit more care to do.
     Hopefully, all of this will still allow enough time to keep the garden weeded and harvested and the produce preserved.

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