Friday, June 14, 2013

Farm Day

     Today was a beautiful day following yesterday's devasting storms.  Again, we were lucky, suffering no damage and this time only losing power for about 6 1/2 or 7 hours.  That meant dinner out, but that wasn't a big deal either.
     A beautiful day on the farm means work, for us and for the neighbor haying our fields.   I started off early, moving the compost from the area where we removed the bin structure into one of the existing bins, after raking the area where the temporary chicken pen had been to get the wood shavings and chicken provided fertilizer into a bin.  When my back could take no more of the shoveling for the day (only a small amount of the compost actually moved), I took a break.  After lunch, we took a walk to help strengthen hubby's knee, then moved hay around the fruit trees in a thick layer for mulch.
Hopefully, this will keep the weeds down, hold the moisture and help the 10 young trees to thrive.  Using some of the hay that was dragged out beyond the baling area, the tomatoes and peppers were also mulched and while working in the garden, the nut and wire grass that has been taking over the grape bed was removed.  Tomorrow, I will put down weed mat and cover it thickly with more hay.
While I was working in the garden, the neighbor was busy with his help, raking and baling the hay he had been mowing for the past few days.  Two of the bales were put within our orchard area to be used for chicken coop maintenance during the winter, 22 more were lined up in the upper field for loading and removal.
Two trailers of 22 bales being hauled away.  The low field and the western most field have been mowed, but not yet raked and baled.  The low field is the largest and where most of the hay will be baled. 
The day ended with Jalapeno slaw with the first jalapeno from the garden, garlic beef with mushroom gravy, the garlic provided by a few of the dozens of garlic scapes that have emerged in the past couple of days, and a pot of Farro, my new favorite grain product, washed down with a bottle of Porter, brewed and bottled in Hampton, VA, near my hometown.

A good day, life is good!

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