Monday, June 3, 2013

Reduce, reuse, recycle . . . and introductions

     I am a consumate hippy.  Recycling and using cloth reuseable shopping bags have been my habits long before it was popular.  But nut butter jars, especially the square one and oil bottles with a neck too small for a bottle brush are almost enough to want me to just toss them in the trash.

Seriously, how do they expect you to clean those corners?

It is going in the dishwasher and then it gets recycled, hopefully cleaner than this.

     Yesterday I posted that we added two more chicks to the laying flock, Buff Orpingtons, a heritage breed that lays through the winters here.  They are pretty, fluffy, golden chickens, easy going and non aggressive, plus they make good Mommies if you have a rooster and let them, or sneak them fertilized eggs when they are broody and you want to raise more chicks.  Last night, they spent last night in a big dog cage in the garage with food and water.  This morning, the cage went into the girl's run, so they can meet in safety.  Soon they will be placed on the perch in the coop after dark so they will all wake up together.  Hopefully there will be no bullying, and no blood letting.  Some chickens are MEAN to each other.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen mean chickens at an aunt by marriage's house and they are NOT fun to be around. :D
