Fran on Doc |
Riding lessons continue, we have learned to make the horse move sideways to facilitate opening a gate, to back up, to pivot around a front leg. Jim consistently is given the choice of Levi, shown below or Nemo, who I rode last week, they are large, tall horses and though Nemo is a good mount, I decided that an average size mount is better for me. I started on Nippers, a round bellied paint, very good natured and easy to ride. My third lesson was on Squirt, a bay, also good natured. Today, I was given my choice of any of the three I had previously ridden or Doc, the flea bitten Gray. Not literally flea bitten, just his coat has speckles of chestnut in it. I learned that they are called Gray's because their skin is black, their coat is white. Doc was a bit more spirited and a fun ride.
Today we were challenged with obstacles at a trot, poles laid on the ground, then divided into thirds with cones and barrels that we had to zigzag in and out at a trot. Each horse has handled a bit differently, some requiring more reining, Doc liked control with your legs. I feel fairly confident at this point, can get the horse in, saddled securely and bridled without assistance. Walking and turning don't bother me, trotting occasionally makes be feel a bit off balance, but I'm getting the hang of it. I am actually more comfortable when we are asked to trot without stirrups than with them, I feel I have more control of the horse.
I'm glad Jim talked me into lessons, though I'm not sure I'm ready to go out of the arena and on to a trail yet.
Jim on Levi, Fran on Doc
I promised photos and Reanna, our instructor was happy to take them for us.
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