Thursday, November 8, 2012

Knittering around

     Our Florida born grandkids are spending Thanksgiving with us in the mountains.  We are excited, especially as they will arrive on the 1st birthday of the youngest, our youngest grand.
     Over the years since her big brother, Aidan was born, nearly 6 years ago, I have made an annual sweater for him, all of which are being saved lovingly by our daughter for Nadia to wear also.  Nadia's first sweater was a knit gown, with matching hat and socks all made from the same fingering weight yarn.
     Two years ago, I knit my first Wallaby by Cottage Creations for Aidan, Superman blue as he and our son in law are ardent Superman fans, and the wallaby is a hit.  Aidan and our oldest grandson think that is the best sweater design ever.  Last year, as he was outgrowing the previous one, another was requested, this one was Superman blue with red pocket and hood.  Unfortunately, I selected a yarn I had not previously used, advertised as worsted weight and I didn't bother to check gauge.  The resulting sweater was really no larger than the previous year's version though I knitted a size up.
     The grands will get this year's sweaters when they arrive.  The yarn and colors for Nadia were picked out by our daughter when we visited them last summer, along with the yarn for Nadia's Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween.  There is a great yarn shop in Sarasota that we enjoyed visiting.  Aidan's was picked up locally at a cute little shop in the town of Floyd, about 40 minutes from us.

Nadia's Hood is from Berroco Vintage, colorway is wine, the pattern is based on Capuchon by Tagil Purlmutter, a free download on Ravelry, though I seriously modifed it to make it Florida weight, you can see the modifications on my projects page on Ravelry.  That was knit on our drive back from that visit to Florida.

Nadia's Birthday hooded cardi is also from Berroco Vintage, the teal is color 51104, the light blue is 5120, the cream is 5102 and the pattern is a melange of a pattern for a baby hoody from a friend, a bit of Ann Budd wisdom and my own modifications to work it the way I wanted it.  Both her sweater and Aidan's have been my October and early November knitting.

Aidan's Wallaby is from Cascade Yarns 220 Superwash Quatro, the color is 1957, a tweedy mix of bues and greens.  It was knit on a size 8 to make it a bit lighter for Florida and was carefully measured this year to ensure that it should fit him.

Still on my needles and set aside are a pair of socks for me, a reknit of a shawl that our younger pup damaged, and a scarf of homespun to match a hat I designed last winter.  Still in my knitting que is a sweater requested by my daughter, who sent me a dark picture of her as a teen, wearing a black sweater that she would like duplicated.  I'm still thinking about that one, though I have bought the yarn.

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