Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday - Election Day

     We awoke early to the German Shepherd rattling around in the wire cage, looking out at the Mastiff, asleep by hubby's side of the bed and wanting to be out.  It was only 6:45 and I didn't want to rise yet, having had one of my nights when sleep was elusive and broken.  We had no milk in the house for coffee or cereal, nearly no coffee and no butter for toast, and again the sky was thick and gray.  The yard heavy with frost, having had a hard freeze last night.
     It seemed that the expedient route to the day, was to get up, go to the convenience center to dump the household trash, including one bag of mostly political flyers received over the past month, then on to vote.  As our landline phone is maintained only to have internet, we unplugged them to silence the multiple computer calls received each day.  Do they really think they help?  Then on into town to get a light breakfast and a light grocery run to replace the milk, coffee, and butter.
     I have avoided blogging about the election, have basically steered clear of posting about it on Facebook, have studiously not forwarded any of the emails of a political nature.  It is not because I am apolitical, I have strong feelings, and I feel we should all vote to do our part.  I feel that the election campaign procedure has become unnecessarily contentious, leaning more toward misinformation against each other rather than stating their own viewpoints.
     We have done our civic duty, stated our preference and have replugged the phone so that the few neighbors who prefer it can reach us for permission to hunt or walk on our property.  I actually look forward to days when the mailbox is empty, meaning no political mumbo jumbo to trash without reading.  Upon taking the trash down today, we see that now we can recycle mixed paper, so next election, at least the paper will be recycled instead of trashed.

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